Copyright 2021. Hopkinton Lions Club. All rights reserved


Click here to read about our history in the Hopkinton area for the past 40 years.  Here is an additional message from our membership chairman, along with information on how to contact us with any further questions or interest you may have in the club.


Interested in becoming a member of the Hopkinton Lions Club, or just learning more about the group?  (contact us here

Our Lions Club, a part of Hopkinton, Massachusetts, since 1975, is dedicated to actively supporting the needs of our local community, as evidenced by our motto, "We Serve".


On Saturday, Jan 25, the Lions held out second fundraising Meat Raffle at Cornell's Irish Pub.  Thanks to all who attended, and special thanks to Cornell's for hosting the event.

On Saturday, September 30, the Lions worked with the Hopkinton Senior Center to host our third Repair Cafe, where handy women and men volunteers fixed household items brought in by folks in the community.

On Wednesday, March 29, the Lions sponsored our Musical Bingo at the Ashland Fish and Game Club, along with the Ashland Lions Club, for a fun night of music, games, and prizes.


Click here to learn about donating used eyeglasses, participating in our upcoming seminars and events, and reviewing our history of club activities.

See Lions on HCAM Hopkinton Hangout Hour

here (Jan, 2021, @ 30-minute) and here (Apr, 2021)


(contact for more info on these items)

  • March 6:  Next club meeting, 6:30, Public Library ​​
  • February 22:Lions District Midwinter Meeting, Dedham
  • March 29: Family Fling
  • April 21:Boston Marathon

Support our Marathon RunnerKeegan O’Shaughnessy.  Info here